Adobe Firefly’s Third Module, Recolor Vectors
What’s so great about Adobe Firefly’s newest module, Recolor Vectors?
What’s so great about Adobe Firefly’s newest module, Recolor Vectors?
Renown expert and deep diver Deke McClelland returns to the fray with dekeNow: a look at the current Photoshop and Illustrator state of the art of the art
Deke completes the One-on-One series for both Photoshop and Illustrator at LinkedIn Learning.
Deke, the Dragon, celebrates 1000 years of Deke's Techniques with the 1000th (and final, for now) episode.
Deke will have two sessions at the upcoming Adobe Illustrator Summit, August 26-27. Get a discount, download the sample files, and find out more!
Deke finishes his subwoofer illustration in Adobe Illustrator by creating some virtual hex screws around the edge.
Deke drew this van icon to fill an obvious gap in the custom shapes "Vehicle" collection in Photoshop.
Deke considers the different advantages of using compound shapes (dynamic) or compound paths (static) in Adobe Illustrator.
Deke takes the next step in creating his imaginary subwoofer in Adobe Illustrator, by using the Blend command to create the concentric circles inside.
Deke makes great use of gray gradients in Adobe Illustrator in order to make his very own subwoofer.
Deke uses Adobe Illustrator's gradient, drop shadow, and blend capabilities to create a riveting background for a triceratops logo.
Deke uses Adobe Illustrator to create a brushed metal effect out of nothing but pixels.