Hey gang. This week’s Deke’s Techniques videos are all about adding text and shapes to a 3D stereoscopic photograph, like the one created in last week’s technique. In today’s free movie, I show you how to add text and shapes at different planes of depth. In the follow-up video at lynda.com, I show you how to tilt the text and shapes so they incline in 3D space toward the viewer.
Here’s the official description from lynda.com:
If you tuned into Deke’s Techniques last week, you probably still have your red/cyan cardboard 3D sunglasses at hand. Good thing, because this week, Deke shows you how to take your stereoscopic image and move solid objects (in this case text and shapes) back behind the percieved screen plane and forward in front of it. Words and pictures coming at you courtesy of Deke and lynda.com! And despite its intricate effect, this technique primary consists of systemtatically turning channels on and off and moving layers right and left. In fact, Deke gives you a cool (non-3D—take those silly glasses off for a second) graphic that shows you how to move your anaglyphic objects to and fro:

By the end of this free video, you’ll have your text and shapes dancing in and out of the screen. And if you are a member of the lynda.com Online Training Library, in this week’s member-exclusive video, Deke shows you how to apply a tilt effect for an amazingly sophisticated effect that you’ll be hard pressed to find documented anywhere else. Put your silly glasses back on for this one, kids.

Hope you enjoy. And I’ll see you here next week for more Deke’s Techniques.
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