Deke is Now Again!
Renown expert and deep diver Deke McClelland returns to the fray with dekeNow: a look at the current Photoshop and Illustrator state of the art of the art
Renown expert and deep diver Deke McClelland returns to the fray with dekeNow: a look at the current Photoshop and Illustrator state of the art of the art
Deke grounds some block-style letters by adding a fabricated cast shadow in Illustrator.
Deke takes his PixelSquid dinosaur friend and lets him run rampant in San Francisco, courtesy of Photoshop.
Deke takes a 3D dinosaur from PixelSquid and plops it down in its own Jurassic World, customized with Photoshop layer effects.Deke takes a 3D dinosaur from PixelSquid and plops it down in its own Jurassic World, customized with Photoshop layer effects.
Deke uses the new design technology developed by our friends at PixelSquid to get a customized 3D rendered object for his 2D project. Also, dinosaurs.
Deke takes an MRI of his own knee and uses the DICOM files to create a 3D image in Photoshop CC.
Deke uses Photoshop CC's 3D features to extrude a pixelized Minecraft tool into 3D space.
The step-by-step story of how to inscribe the 3D Ring to Rule Them All.
This is a longish, literary-ish (well, you know, to the best of my ability), interpretation of Deke's ten-minute video tutorial on how to create the famous artifact at the center of Tolkien's work.
Deke recreates the most famous ring in literary history (at least as far as geeks are concerned) in Illustrator.
Deke bakes delicious 3D donuts from people's heads in Illustrator
Deke extends Shark Week by incorporating a completely synthetic shark into a formerly sharkless ocean.