Dynamic Round Corners in Adobe Illustrator
Deke shows you how (and why) to use the Round Corners feature in Adobe Illustrator to make drawing faster and easier.
Deke shows you how (and why) to use the Round Corners feature in Adobe Illustrator to make drawing faster and easier.
Deke shows you exactly where to put the anchor points and place the control handles for drawing his Triceratops logo.
Deke shows you how to trace a pixel-based heart with the Pen tool in Photoshop in order to make smooth, artifact-free scaleable shapes.
Deke explores the fun and distraction of Illustrator on the iPad, including the Pencil tool, the Pen tool, and the not-too-blobbety Blob brush.
Deke uses Adobe Illustrator to create three types of repeating lantern tiles, shining light on how to get things done with the Pen tool.
Deke's newest course, Introducing Illustrator, is designed for those of you who open Illustrator with an eye to making a "simple" graphic, and get horribly lost before the first curve is drawn.
Deke uses an intricate net of guides in Adobe Illustrator to carefully craft a compelling cube logo.
Deke applies a striking facial tattoo in Photoshop.
Deke uses the Pen tool in Photoshop to create a mask and save an irreplaceable, un-reshootable photo.
Deke studies the Rule of Thirds with regard to creating smooth Bézier curves in Adobe CC applications.
Deke goes full geek and gets to the bottom of how Bézier curves are calculated in Adobe Creative Cloud applications.
Deke uses paths lifted from a photograph in Photoshop to create a scalable, vector-based avatar in Illustrator.