Creating a Type 15 Pentagon in Adobe Illustrator
Deke actually demonstrates how to accurately draw one of these pentagons he's been obsessing over for the past few weeks.
Deke actually demonstrates how to accurately draw one of these pentagons he's been obsessing over for the past few weeks.
Deke explores yet another tessellating pentagon in Adobe Illustrator.
Deke studies Karl Reinhardt's pentagons in Adobe Illustrator, and turns them into tessellating patterns to show prove it all true.
Deke begins his foray into understanding the mysterious tessellating pentagons.
Deke grows some colorful cellular matter in Adobe Illustrator, using gradients and a hex pattern.
Deke embellishes last week's optical illusion with some shading to make the pattern even more "coffer" like.
Deke indulges in a third set of computer-generated Op Art experiments in Adobe Illustrator.
Deke takes his patterned portrait homage to Chuck Close and imbues it with color using radial gradients.
Deke emulates the work of legendary artist Chuck Close in a Photoshop-enhanced portrait.
Deke replaces a busy background with a more muted artificial clouds pattern with nary a mask in sight.
Deke controls the skies, earth, and even the moon with Photoshop's old school Clouds filter and a repeating pattern.
Deke adds a pattern to his LCD screen recreation that gives it the authentic look of an actual screen.