Deke and I are both here in Las Vegas getting ready for our first ever live recording of our podcast, Martini Hour. Yes, live, as in, in front of an audience full of loungers. (Oh yeah, there’s also a little thing going on called Photoshop World, too.) As much fun as it is to hang out with Deke and Buddy and the Pimm’s Quartet in the secret dekeLounge, I can’t wait to get out in public at the Eyecandy Sound Lounge in Mandalay Bay this Thursday (and Buddy will be there too).
What a treat it will be to meet those dekeOmaniacs who make it out to our lounge-away-from-lounge here in Las Vegas. And hey, there are still some seats left for the early seating (1pm) of Martini Hour Live; just send an email to as soon as possible. (And check out the list below to see the amazing special guests who’ll be hanging with us!) You don’t have to be an attendee of Photoshop World either—you just have to get yourself to Vegas, babies. Seriously, we can’t wait to meet you. And those who attend will receive a free stainless steel commemorative Martini Hour martini glass. Relaxing yet stimulating conversation, indestructable but elegant swag, and awesome but friendly special guests. And it’s all free, babies! Why aren’t you here yet?

I tell you, not only is my co-host charming, but he’s very handy when you want a kick-ass graphic, as well!
And there’s more: here’s the awesome graphic Deke created to announce our stunning line up of special guests at Thursday’s show.

We are honored and psyched, people! We’ll see those of you who can make it Thursday, and then we’ll be playing all these interviews in upcoming weeks of our regularly scheduled programming. Cheers!
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