That’s right, friends of Martini Hour, we are pulling back the curtain, getting our pedicures (so we can take off our shoes in front of everyone), and inviting you all to join us on Thursday, October 1 when the dekeLounge magically appears for six glorious episodes at the Eyecandy Sound Lounge inside the Mandalay Bay casino. Deke and I are testing our martini-swilling stamina by recording six back-to-back episodes of our infamous podcast live in front of an audience, complete with scintillating guests in the protective environs of Photoshop World. And we’d like one of those live audience members to be you.
Here’s a ridiculously large graphic to whet your appetite.

We can’t wait to share our particular brand of cocktails and conversation with you. It’s first come first serve, so RSVP ASAP. To learn all the juicy details, read on.
As fans of the show know, Martini Hour usually takes place in an undisclosed location. But because what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, we’re disclosing it, babies! Here’s a floor plan to help you out.

Here are the facts:
- You will need to be on the Attendee List to attend. To sign up for the Attendee List, send an email to
- Be sure to include your real name and email address. You will need to present an ID or Photoshop World badge to get by our friendly, but diligent, bouncers. Or, more accurately, bouncettes.
- There will be two seatings: Seating #1 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:35 p.m, and Seating #2 from 3:05 p.m. to 4:40 p.m. Please specify your preference when you sign up.
- Please be at Eyecandy at least 15 minutes before your seating time begins. Folks in Seating #1 should be there by 12:45 p.m., and those in Seating #2 by 2:45 p.m.
- You can only sign up one attendee at a time. Sign up yourself, using your own email address so we can send you your confirmation letter. Let your friends fight it out for themselves.
- Attendance is free, but first come first serve. We can accommodate 1 attendees per seating, so sign up as soon as possible.
- Every attendee will walk (fly, bicycle, or crawl) home with a complementary Martini Hour-inscribed souvenir martini glass. Plus, it’s stainless steel so it won’t break in your luggage. (Who’s got your back? We do!)
- Drinks will be available for purchase from the friendly staff at Eyecandy. So you can order up your cocktail(s!) and take off your shoes along with us!
- Spend some intimate lounge time with our legendary industry guests! Seating #1 will include Julianne Kost, Russell Brown, Rafael “RC” Concepcion, Terry White, Jack Davis, and Ben Willmore. Seating #2 will feature Scott Kelby, Dave Cross, Matt Kloskowski, Katrin Eismann, and Jay Maisel.
That is all. Hurry up and email so we can get this show on the road. We can’t wait to raise our glasses with you.
Lynda Internet Interface
When I use the DVD ROM lesson disc, the web interface (Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer - I’ve tried a bunch) covers much of the CS 4 screen so that I cannot see the drop down menus that deke is referring to. I also can’t see the start/stop/pause bar. Can anyone help me on how to solve this? Thanks