Greetings my dekeIntinians, from Ushuaia, Argentina, aka the End of the World. We are gathering here to join our Antarctic expedition which departs in tomorrow! We hope to share more about that in a few weeks, after we thaw out from trying to scuba dive in –2° C water!
But for now, please enjoy this week’s free episode of Deke’s Techniques in which Deke finishes up his mini-tutorial on Adobe Fresco which began with episode 861. This week, he’s covering the vector brushes that Fresco has available.
Vector brushes are analogous to the Blob brush in Adobe Illustrator, in that they scale to any size you like, as well as fill with any color and paint straight pressure-defined strokes.
In the course of the video, you’ll see how the ruler feature, certain hand gestures, and Fresco’s selection tools can help you fine-tune your vector brush based drawing.
If you’re a member of LinkedIn Learning, then Deke’s got an exclusive movie for you this week in which he shows you the ins-and-outs, bonuses and gotchas for working with your Fresco Art in Photoshop (and Illustrator).
Deke’s Techniques, take your creative impulses everywhere, even if you’re heading off the end of the earth!
May 13, 2020