Making One Object Blend Effect Cut through Another

In this week’s free episode of Deke’s Techniques, Deke puts some fine-tuning on last week’s extruded letter blend project, namely he makes the extrusion of the letter u pass through the extrusion of the letter L.

When we last witnessed this puzzling interaction at the end of last week’s episodes, the u abruptly stopped when it reached the L’s extrusion:

The extrusion does not pass through

Illustrator doesn’t really allow blends to cut through one another in the way this project requires, so the trick here is to give the letter u a second blend to the end and then hide the overlap behind the L, thus giving it the appearance of passing through.

An extra object blend allows the u's extrusion to pass through the L's

You’ll note in the video, that the L needs it’s own “secret” duplicate blend so that it’s blend seems to resume after being interrupted by the u.

If you’re a member of or LinkedIn Learning, then Deke’s got an exclusive movie this week in which he further slices across blending letters to make this puzzle truly integrated with itself. I think. In any case, the Z is asserting its authority here.

The Z slices through the path of the U

Deke’s Techniques, slicing and dicing your puzzle into perfection.

Next entry:Object Blends Meet Dynamic Distortions in Adobe Illustrator

Previous entry:Creating Letters with Accordion Extrusions in Adobe Illustrator
