Dear Deke: What Happened to the Blankity-Blank Tool in Photoshop?
Deke explains how tools can go missing when you use a built-in workspace in Adobe Photoshop.
Deke explains how tools can go missing when you use a built-in workspace in Adobe Photoshop.
Cool Thing: The peace symbol comes from the semaphore letters for N and D, for nuclear disarmament.
Deke answers a student question about copying artboards in Adobe Illustrator without unwanted duplication of content.
The eight-year-old Vandam Dezigner to give us notice that there's a new "King of Adobe" in town (and he turned out to be right).
Deke welcomes you to his shiny new web site redesign, complete with more opportunities to mingle and chat.
Our total eclipse of the sun experience in Alliance, Nebraska
Advice from Friend of dekeWorld Seán Duggan on shooting a solar eclipse
Deke's Techniques celebrates the Forth of July by not showing up, but here are some other amusements.
Deke explores the new Select and Mask taskspace in Photoshop.
Check out Deke's newest update to Photoshop CC 2015 One-on-One: Advanced, with seven new chapters!
On the night before Christmas, Colleen share's a Photoshop poem.
Today marks the debut of one of Deke's most impeccably crafted courses to date, Creating and Adapting a Logo, in which he follows the process of developing, creating, and adapting a logo for a fictional space transport service.