Creating a Custom Angry Emoji in Illustrator
Deke uses Illustrator to fill in a gap in the emotional range of emoji-based expression. In other words, he draws Rage.
Your weekly quick-fix of Deke, with ideas you may inspire or inform your own projects.
Deke uses Illustrator to fill in a gap in the emotional range of emoji-based expression. In other words, he draws Rage.
Deke uses the Channel Mixer in Photoshop to create an infrared/snow effect.
Deke uses the Dehaze filter in Camera Raw to correct uneven shadow detail in a family portrait.
Deke shows you the new Creative Cloud start screen, then goes searching for how to turn it off.
Deke examines the new features of the "Live" Rectangle tool, then figures out how to turn the annoying parts off.
Deke uses Blend Modes and the Luminance Exclusion sliders to help the sun attack the Earth with deadly lightening.
Deke takes his PixelSquid dinosaur friend and lets him run rampant in San Francisco, courtesy of Photoshop.
Deke takes a 3D dinosaur from PixelSquid and plops it down in its own Jurassic World, customized with Photoshop layer effects.Deke takes a 3D dinosaur from PixelSquid and plops it down in its own Jurassic World, customized with Photoshop layer effects.
Deke uses the new design technology developed by our friends at PixelSquid to get a customized 3D rendered object for his 2D project. Also, dinosaurs.
Deke revises his very first Deke's Techniques project---Ice Type---in high resolution to celebrate the fifth anniversary of Deke's Techniques.
Deke turns a photo of a six-year-old on the carpet into a superhero flying through the clouds.
Deke takes some everyday Myriad Pro-set type and turns in into a sweet treat in Photoshop by applying a candy cane pattern.