Creating a Full-Color Hedcut Effect
Deke adds some customized (Lab produced) color to his hedcut technique.
Your weekly quick-fix of Deke, with ideas you may inspire or inform your own projects.
Deke adds some customized (Lab produced) color to his hedcut technique.
Deke attempts to recreate the signature WSJ hedcut-style portrait from inside Photoshop.
Deke creates a type effect in Adobe Illustrator that makes the letters look like keyboard keys.
Deke uses layers of black or white set to the Soft Light blend mode in Illustrator in order to simulate a Photoshop Levels adjustment layer.
Deke uses his contour map skills to make a portrait effect suitable for use on American currency
Deke riffs on last week's project with an extra displacement map.
Deke uses a displacement map to contour a stripe pattern to his model's face.
Deke reveals his secret for remembering how he arrived at creative brilliance: the Note tool in Photoshop
Deke puts the final demolition touches on his Marvel-esque superhero disintegration effect
Deke attempts to recreate the Marvel disintegration effect using displacement maps in Photoshop.
Deke uses the easily changeable nature of Illustrator's dynamic effects and tones down the out-of-control puzzle piece he's been working on.
Deke wraps up his warped, extruded, blended letter puzzle with a fishy twist.