What to Do When Content-Aware Fill Fails?
Deke fails and fixes a content-aware fill issue caused by transparency issues, on a bass hat.
Deke fails and fixes a content-aware fill issue caused by transparency issues, on a bass hat.
Deke moves his scary artwork from Adobe Sketch into Photoshop to add the finishing touches of scariness.
Deke takes his homage to Joan Miró from Sketch into Photoshop for better control over the layers and print options.
Deke delves into another dedicated dekeConstruction of art, this time with an electronic homage to Joan Miró.
Photoshop One-on-One: Advanced, the second installment in Deke's series has been updated at LinkedIn Learning. Here's what's it covers and what's changed in 2019.
Deke develops his dream design from last week by applying old school Photoshop distortions as editable smart filters.
Deke wakes up from a design dream and captures it in Photoshop.
Deke uses the latest features of Camera Raw to shine a spotlight on an underwater creature.
Deke wraps up the White Walker project by turning his hoodie more ice-zombie-cloak-like with a carefully applied layer effect in Photoshop.
Deke sets his white walker project down north of the wall by adding a gloomy background and some artificial snow in Photoshop.
Deke finally adds the eerie blue, yet lifeless, eyes to his White Walker portrait (just in time).
Deke takes a partial blue zombie and gets him closer to white walker status in Photoshop