Using Camera Matching Profiles in Camera Raw (or Lightroom)
Hidden inside Adobe Camera Raw (or Lightroom) are camera matching profiles that can give you a good head start for developing your raw photos.
Hidden inside Adobe Camera Raw (or Lightroom) are camera matching profiles that can give you a good head start for developing your raw photos.
Deke demonstrates, as only he does, the Blending and Balance sliders for the Color Grading feature of Camera Raw and all its Adobe cousins.
Deke shows you how to apply color adjustments with the new Color Grading feature in Camera Raw (and Lightroom, too)
Deke uses the candy cane pattern he created last week in Photoshop to make a festive holiday rhinoceros.
Deke uses Photoshop's new, improved Line tool to create a candy cane pattern that may or may not end up on a rhinoceros.
Deke shares some tips and tricks for showing and hiding the documents your Photoshop Home screen is showing and hiding, or not!
Adobe has announced Photoshop 2021, and Deke has announced his favorite new features (free video)
Deke's latest course is an introduction to the complex, but soon-to-be-your-friend ultimate image wrangler, Adobe Photoshop.
Deke uses two different methods to colorize a tryptic portrait with gradients in Photoshop
Deke flips and mirrors a model's face to explore human facial symmetry in Photoshop.
Deke applies a gradient adjustment layer to give his five-headed beauty the rainbow treatment in Photoshop.
Deke uses Photoshop's Free Transform command, a layer mask, and a secret shortcut to create five repeating faces blended into one.