Let me just start by saying that I received my education in fine-tuned screen capture rendering back when I was a co-author/editor of Deke’s One-on-One books. Deke had rules about capturing/constructing high-res screen shots for the books that I initially laughed at (the tediousness thereof), then cried over (trying to create them), then finally celebrated (because they did, in fact, look better and explained the software more clearly than everyone else’s screenshots).
But the real lesson of today’s free Deke’s Techniques episode is about layer effects and how they can go inadvertently astray, leading the most stalwart and insightful of gurus left in temporary confusion.
So when I presented Deke with this:
We needed to figure out how to get to this:
And today’s episode tells the family drama that led to a resolution. Our family is particularly challenged by and fascinated with Photoshop challenges. It keeps us young.
Deke’s Techniques, sorting out family drama one pixel at a time.
Problem solving since 1993