Hey, dekeOtonians. It’s clear to those of you who recieve the newsletter that I should not be in charge of launching contests in the wee hours. Although I had all the creative details in place, I failed to, um, actually spell out the specifics like exactly how and when you should send your Martini Hour visualizations. So, I’m going to take a moment to outline the details (as well as replay my fabulous artist rendition known as “The Lollypop Heads” for your inspirational enjoyment):

The basic idea is simple, create a graphic that we can use to promote Martini Hour that features some Deke, some Colleen, and some Martini or other refreshing beverage. You can use the raw materials we have posted in the dekeOnline Flickr group. Or you can use anything you like. (Remember, I like costumes and weapons.)
Post it in the comments to this post, send it to quiz@deke.com, or post it to the Flickr group and let me know its there. (If you choose one of the latter two, I will post it in the comments here.) The deadline (and don’t listen to Deke, there is one) is 5pm Pacific time on Friday, March 20. Deke and I are meeting at in the dekeLounge that day, so we’ll be in the perfect mood to decide which rendering resonates best with our vibe. The winner gets a dekePod tshirt, a book of choice, our undying love, and perhaps a few other goodies I have yet to name. Cheers, people. Now get to it!
Martini Mashup Entry: “I Said Stirred” by Steven Church
Martini Mashup Entry: “Bar Folies Createur” by Steve Newton
More then one entry allowed
? ... as you can see Colleen, I’m in need of help! Martini; Bond jumped into my head and I notice that Deke and you like to stir the pot rather then shake it so; on a half hour lunch break… well lets just say it took longer to find the pic’s then to compose the end result. Anywho, love the site and the info I’m slowly digesting; keep up the good work you all!
I’m fine with multiple entries
Bring ‘em on!
Two entries so far, and both are f-f-f-f… Don’t panic! I’ll resist my urge to alliterate ;-) ... fabulous!
Lovin’ it! :-D
I can’t reply on the Martini Hour 004 entry, but on iTunes….
...Martini Hour 004 is named correctly, but is actually Martini Hour 003. And that almost drove me to drink! :-p
Martini Hour 004
The iTunes feed was broken for a couple hours this morning. Its fixed now. If you unsubscribe and resubscribe to Martini hour (in iTunes), the correct episode 004 will appear.
That worked. :-)
Thanks for being on this, Kevin
Much obliged!
That was fun and interesting. Great question/great answer (plus I got a nice chuckle out of Deke’s nine words) ;-p
And I enjoyed the yarns muchly. Relaxed conviviality. Lovely.
I know I’m a newbie and have much to learn… but 4F… ouch, that’s a bit harsh… lol
I j-j-j-just h-h-have a st-st-st-stutter is all
B-b-but I’mm hav-hav-having th-the-ther-therapy! :-D
Actually, frockit, I’ll come clean: I just lied in this post. Sorry.
New Martini Mashup Entry: “Dirty Martini” by Steven Church
In which Steven equates us with olive juice. Cool!
New Martini Mashup Entry: \“Colleenella\” by Steve Newton
Oh, boy. That’s what I get for saying costumes and weapons. Hopefully, I can still be taken seriously in my day job after this.
Something Fishy ... by Gale Franey :-)
Good one!!
Good one!!
So clean and contrasty… great job!
LOVE this! Just how I
LOVE this! Just how I imagine a Martini Lounge to look. Seamless photoshop work! Awesome!!
Martini Mashup Entry: “Simplistic” by Steven Church
First of (hopefully) two entries
And yes, that is a 1978 printing of Playboy’s Host & Bar Book under Deke’s leg there, hehe. From my own personal collection.
Martini Mashup Entry: \“Bond Girl Meets Sherlock\” by Kainz
I love looking this good at 8 am without even trying. Great clash of worlds.
These entries are amazing!
Great concepts, skillfully executed. Y’all are cheering me up no end with your visual whimsy and wit.
Awesome! :-D
Gale Franey set the bar high…
... with his photo-realistic approach. Which sucks for me ‘cause photo realism is always my angle, and I REALLY want that CS4 book. Good job on matching the lights, Gale (rich folks - pay attention for those that can’t afford it: you’ll will see two light sources reflected in floating objects, and short of Col’s glove they all match!!!).
So after several olives (surrounding beverage included), here is my submission. Click on the image for full resolution and source images (you may have to click on it again to zoom to 100% after it opens).
I figured that the best way to win - is to offend the judges. Yup, turn one into an olive, and hide half the face of the other. And then make Colleen’s name a pun just for a good measure.
I’ll note that the table, its texture, liquid refraction on the table, all shadows, specular highlights and reflections are all created from scratch in Photoshop. Particularly proud of the way liquid and glass interact with Col, Deke and the surroundings (the source was an empty glass image).
Unless I get buried in a mountain of work, I’ll post the tutorial & the PSD file this weekend (those are live shadows, folks - you can edit text and shadows will update on-the-fly).
I Love Being an Olive
Don’t get me wrong, I loved being a Bond girl too. But your attempt to insult me has failed! Very fun.
Nice and Clean
But you mentioned something like “Which sucks for me ‘cause photo realism is always my angle, and I REALLY want that CS4 book.” I only bring that up because the “angle” of the glass just does not seem right with the table. I know, kill joy; and you can rip my entries to shreds… actually, you just did… lol, poor me.
Cool concept, and awsome execution of the idea!
Those aren’t my fingers! And did I offer up that photo of me with such green eyes? What a ridiculous edit on my part. They’re really more the color of cOlive’s skin.
What’s your live cast shadow secret? Two layers liked to smart object? Just being nosey.
Oh really?
Those are not your fingers deke? Come to think of it; the eye colors wrong, not enough gray in the hair, skin tone is not pastey enough, and do the smile lines in your forehead all run up to the right? Now I’m suspicious of the cOlive image as well…
iVan; I’m nosey too!
Yep, the shadow…
...is a skewed text smart object that has blur and a levels adjustment clipped to it to darken it. I also linked it to the regular text so it moves in sync and I allowed small amount of highlights to punch through it in the advanced blending dialog box (white “this layer” slider).
The eyes are as they came. Which is due to some white balancing issue. But they “rhymed” with Col’s skin, so I thunk, what the heck.
But Aztech is right (thanks Az, I would have missed that… oh wait – I did). The glass is off by exactly 1 degree. I have two big-ass monitors (can I say that here?) and I never noticed it. I’ll fix that tonight, good eye Az!
And yes, those are my fingers. Now that I look at them, they aren’t the right color still, so I think I’ll touch that up as well.
P.S. I’m adding an avatar to my signature. My best picture to date :-)
It’s a curse… lol
Your piece is awsome, I’m just having fun (at my own expense)...
Now pardon me while I run along and play with Smart Objects!
P.S. ~ SMILE :-)
all touched-up
May have to refresh though.
That is
Funny! I’m so refreshed; I think I’ll go visit my wife again….
Wow, thanks !
Thanks so much for the kind words about my entry .... and what? there’s a prize? a book? Cool ! I love your entry, excellent, especially colleen’s face on the olive, very clever.
I aim for realistic-surrealistic in my digi-art. More on my website: www.thegraphicgroove.com and on my blog www.galefraney.wordpress.com
oh ... by the way ... I’m a ‘her’ not a ‘his’ :-)
Uh-oh. Deadline is looming…