There is nothing better than sitting back under the flattering lights of the dekeLounge with a charming guest who can keep up with me and Deke. This week the intrepid and hilarious Terri Stone, Editor-in-Chief of and InDesign Magazine stops by the lounge to entertain and inspire us. Inspire us, within the confines of making content that actually means something to the creative professionals who inhabit dekeVille. As you know from listening to me through some 80 episodes, this is a delicate balance of words and pictures, not to mention the brilliance and peculiarities (ahem) of writers like Deke.

Here’s the conveniently bulleted recap of this week’s show with Terri:
- Terri has worked with Deke in his article writing days, so she understands the pains, challenges, joys, and wannabe-designer nature of my life.
- We once again touch on the words or pictures first debate, but the upshot is Terri and I agree that we’re rocking editors when we get to control the text and graphics in context.
- is chock full of excellent (and free!) stuff for web designers, print designers, and photographers.
- InDesign Magazine is a subscription eMagazine that is currently available in PDF and looking to be iPad fabulous soon. (You can download a free sample issue here.)
- Although print might be dying, text ain’t going anywhere. (This is my new mantra.) We face our future of providing information without killing trees.
- Deke is not 2 years old. But he looks good in the light of the lounge.
- No matter how cliché it is, the medium, especially when you’re writing about the medium (i.e., Design issues) has to be the message.
Join us for this and more. Plus a deep look into deep’s dark design past during which he uses his scary voice. Here’s the regular-quality audio file. You can stream, or for best results, right-click and choose Download or Save. Here’s the high-res version; you’ll want to download rather than stream. And don’t forget our usual plea to subscribe via iTune.
Thanks Terri for a terrific conversation and bonding session. Cheers, dekeOpotamuses!
Missing files
I just bought CS5 one-on-one and started to work through the book and the online lessons. When I opened the first folder in Bridge with the McClelland Boys images, the image in the book you refer to, Butterfly_03.jpg, isn’t there, although most of the other photos shown in the book are. Is this a harbinger of more problems I will encounter using this book and the lessons? Is there a place to go to see updates and discussion specifically from users of the book?
Larry Troy
I found the files. The
I found the files. The photos were stacked in Bridge, and I wasn’t expecting that.
Larry Troy
Designer doesn’t read the book?
Holy carp! (Mackerel are full of mercury, these days.)
How does a designer work on a book without reading it? I couldn’t possibly design a book I hadn’t read and still look at my reflection in the mirror without flinching.