Martini Hour 039, In Which Colleen Is Fooled by Jack Davis’ Hair

It’s time for more wow-goodness from the Eyecandy lounge. Jack Davis, one of our guests this week, just made fifty cents because I said, “Wow.” Wow, Jack. Nice hair. In fact, this episode started out all about the hair. Ben Wilmore, despite being one of the most respected trainers in the industry, was nonetheless notable at Photoshop World because of his “sorta” (TM Deke) mohawk. Then Jack showed up with altogether faux hair. It was awesome. Just look at Ben’s hair.

Here’s what we covered in the third live episode:

Besides the coiffures our guests were sporting, we also discussed real stuff like how to shoot for HDR. My favorite piece of advice where exposures are concerned? “No blinkies in the darkest one.” Yeah, you’ll have to listen if you want to figure that one out. And if that’s not obscure enough, listen to Jack diagram “image harvesting.” Then Ben goes totally crazy trying to explain how he’s combining 35 different images to make one massive HDR composite. And to top it off, the boys discuss how to get away with hand-held murder. This should have been the Halloween episode! Seriously, you can’t get better creative inspiration than these guys, and it goes way beyond their hair.

Want to listen to these Photoshop gurus follicly radical and live in Las Vegas? Here’s the regular-quality (128kbps) audio file. You can stream, or for best results, right-click and choose Download or Save.

And don’t forget the usual blather: Subscribe via iTunes. Call 1-888-dekepod with your questions. (That’s 1-888-335-3763.)

Thanks again to all those who made our live show so fun and entertaining. Stay tuned for more live and lively fun!

Next entry:Photoshop Top 40, Feature #23: Color Range

Previous entry:Photoshop Top 40, Feature #24: Curves

  • Photomergeorgy

    Cool one, would like to see some of jack’s Photomerge extreme experiments, didn’t find anything on his website (maybe the wrong one); any hints from you? Totally adore the Martini Hour, keep up,


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