Hey, Martini Nation. Sorry this week’s Martini Hour is coming to you a day later than usual. Deke and I are in Las Vegas for Photoshop World and spent yesterday with some awesome dekeLounge denizens at our live show. In our excitement followed by exhaustion, it took us a little extra time to pull this week’s show into alignment. But it’s a good one: a fun conversation with Garrick Chow, one of Deke’s fellow lynda.com trainers, as well as fine representative of the band The Jellybricks, who created the music for both dekePod music videos (101 Tips and The Droplet Song) and those catchy jingles for Deke’s Photoshop Top 40.

We chatted with Garrick the last time we were in the San Francisco dekeLounge:
Garrick’s a regular Renaissance Man, what, with being a lynda.com trainer (like our good buddy Deke), host of the lynda weekly podcast, and member of the indie-rock band The Jellybricks. As such a Garrick-of-all-trades, he finds himself with a number of different tasks to accomplish. With that in mind, we sit down with Garrick for an after-hours brew, and talk about finding the right tool for the right job. Despite often having an array of powerful software applications at our disposal, sometimes choosing a simpler tool rather than a complicated on is the way to go. Cases in point, Garrick using iWeb instead of Dreamweaver (his expertise) to get videos online quickly, or Deke using Excel instead of iCal for his calendar, or Colleen using InDesign for…everything she can get away with. It’s fun, it’s friendly, and hey, it’s Friday!
Where else can you hear Deke chat with the guy who helped launch his infamous video career over things that make your life easier? Nowhere, so pour yourself a drink and have a listen. Here’s the regular-quality (128kbps) audio file. (Note we’ve decreased the size of the “regular quality.” You can stream, or for best results, right-click and choose Download or Save. Don’t forget the usual blather: Subscribe via iTunes. Call 1-888-dekepod with your questions. (That’s 1-888-335-3763.)
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