In this episode of Martini Hour, we were just too darn focused on the content to even mention our beverage of choice. Perhaps it was something emerald, as indicated below. Like maybe something The Wizard himself might have consumed upon a lazy, languid, luxuriant evening in Oz. Regardless, this episode is full of important information, so please listen. And, as always, drink whatever you like.

Here’s what’s going on in the dekeLounge this week:
Question of the Week
In the first segment, Deke tackles an important and annoying color management situation, brought to light by dekeOnline dweller Michael Brunsfeld. Basically, it involves that message from standalone CS4 products that tells you, “Suite Color Management requires that a qualifying product has been launched at least once to enable this feature.” Rather implying that if you buy one or more standalone products, you are not entitled to cross-application color coordination. But you are, and Deke tells you how to exploit your entitlement in this episode.
He Said, She Said
I explain to Deke that his calling InDesign styles “style sheets” makes him sound behind the times. It’s really just in his best interest that he stop doing that. But alas, he won’t.
This Week’s Toast
Finally we toast our amazing Organizeuse, Toby Malina. And in particular her taste in television shows, specifically Battlestar Gallactica, with which Deke is newly obsessed.
Interested? Well, hell yeah, why wouldn’t you be? Here’s the regular-quality (192kbps) audio file. For best results, right-click and choose Download or Save.
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Got a question you’d like us to answer? Write us on the site, or even better, call 1-888-dekepod. (That’s 1-888-335-3763.) Practice, be charming, and ask us something really intriguing.
.csf colormanagement
“Rather implying that if you buy one or more standalone products, you are not entitled to cross-application color coordination. But you are, and Deke tells you how to exploit your entitlement in this episode.”
I listend but didn’t hear / find the answer. Is there a way to work around this issue? I want to do it for a few programs and I have the bridge.