Make Wildly Purple Supervillain Eyes in Photoshop

In this week’s free Deke’s Techniques episode, Deke once again turns to the Doctor Strange movie and digitally recreates the painful-looking purple eye condition from the movie’s main villain, Kaecilius.

You too can turn your unsuspecting friends into menacing mystics, thanks to the transformative power of the Photoshop Arts.

Deke’s future villain comes to us from the Dreamstime image library. Sure, the dude is sketchy looking, but not quite destroyer-of-the-world sketchy.

A potential supervillain from

First, Deke cleans the eyebrows away with the healing brush. Then he brings in the purple with a solid color layer, some added noise, and a bit of Gaussian blur. He then limits the “makeup” to the eye region by employing the Quick Selection tool and a bit of hand brushing inside a layer mask. Definitely climbing the scale of evil here.

Purple eye makeup created in Photoshop

If you’re a subscribed acolyte of the library, Deke’s got an exclusive movie this week in which he adds the painful skin crystallization around the eyes, to truly reveal your subject’s descent into the darkness.

The final Doctor Strange-inspired eye makeup created in Photoshop

If you’re not a member, you can get a free 10-day trial by heading to and signing up. This unlocks all the wizardry of Deke’s Techniques, plus all the other secrets of the Lynda library.

Next entry:Creating Embroidered Type in Photoshop

Previous entry:Creating a Doctor Strange-Like Mirror World in Photoshop

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