In case you missed the announcement of the announcement a couple of weeks ago, Monday is official CS5 announcement day. Adobe is inviting all to join them for the global online launch extravaganza, as well as promising to reveal ground-breaking, earth-shattering, world-peace-promoting (potentially), and office-furniture-designing (if the logo used in the image below is any indication) versions of Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and more. The event starts at 8:00am PDT. Figure out what that means for your time zone; I’m still dealing with having to get up that early! It looks like the party will feature some familiar Friends of dekeOnline (FODOs), including Julianne Kost, Jason Levine, and Terry White.

And of course, for us here in dekeVille… means we finally get to start showing you some of the awesome, fun, cool, and just plain life-improving stuff that we’ve been playing with for the past few months. Sometimes it feels like play. Sometimes it feels like a grueling death march of long hours in front of the computer or in the recording studio ... or in the recording studio in front of a computer. But it will all be worth it. Anything in the name of cool tools and world peace (and attractive modular office furniture). Click either graphic to register for the online event, and then hang out with us here on dekeIsland over the next few months to soak up the Creative Suite sunshine.

It’s happening in even less time than when I captured this image! Click said image to sign up.
what’s new in cs5? what do you mean it’s modular?
I’ll be there!
I’ll be at work, but I’ll find a little spot under my desk to assist to this amazing event!
Can’t wait!
I haven’t decided if I hate this logo or love it
Although I must say, it really defies reading.
Apparently, CS5 is somehow modular. Like Ikea.
What could have to make me shell out more of the money I don’t have. How Much this time?
Hi Deke and Colleen,
Just saw the razzle dazzle presentation of CS5 and I have to say I still need you guys to really tell me what’s hot and what’s rot.
One of the things I like most about your approach to Photoshop is that you’re not afraid to say what sucks.
I don’t suppose I could persuade you to share your insights on InDesign CS5 as well?
OH MY GAWD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just watched… then re-watched twice… this morning’s release event.
Words escape me and, quite possibly for the first time in years, I’m speechless.
Wish I’d had these features when I was younger (and my ‘puters newer) and far more involved… at least I now understand why Adobe acquired my “step nephews” company (Omniture).
All I can currently mumble during this awe struck period is OH MY GAWD !!!
CS5 presentation
Well THAT was enticing. There were some features showcased that boggle the mind…content aware fill was the one that knocked my socks off right away and the pinned warp feature was REALLY cool. I heard about it but I hadn’t actually seen it utilized. It made me reiterate what I heard someone in the beginning of the presentation say: “How did they do that?”
I am a big proponent of many applications in the CS series and use them all regularly.
Funny…I was just beginning to fully appreciate what I could do with Photoshop (with Deke’s sage tutilage, of course) and now I find new features within the CS5 version of Ps that I’m going to have to cram into my head.
When is that CS5 OneonOne series going to be released? :D
from $600-$900 USD (if you upgrade…and depending on the suite) or if you get the full version…$1900 for Design Premium to $2600 for the Master Collection.
For the cost of these apps, you had best be REALLY into graphic design/video production or professionally involved in either…or you have a profound crush on adobe and you have SCADS of money to throw around.
Release inquiry
In another post, Deke mentioned he’d just finished filming Photoshop CS5 1-on-1: Fundamentals. I suppose the editing process must now begin, I assume by the folks at I wouldn’t look for it to show up on lynda’s website until after Ps CS5 is released. As for Advanced and Mastery, they’re probably several months away.
As far as the Ps CS5 1-on-1 book, he said he’s halfway done writing it. I have no idea when it will be published.
BTW, has already posted some titles for Ps CS5 by Chris Orwig and Jan Kabili. Check ‘em out!
I’m actually kind of bummed
I just pre-ordered my upgrade to the CS5 production premium suite, only to discover that two major apps, AE and Premiere, will no longer run on my 32-bit machine.
Suggestion for new one-on-one series
Can I suggest you don’t spend half the course (which is long enough) talking about keyboard shortcuts? What I mean is if the user is a shortcut fanatic, he/she will learn them all, if not, he/she really doesn’t care much. And its kind of wasted time anyway, because you do things on the videos explaining them without shortcuts. You can cut a LOT of time from the full course by over printing the shortcut on the videos instead of explaining them!
CS5 and Snow Leopard
My concern is will CS5 work with Snow Leopard without any problems? CS4 does not work with Snow Leopard well at all with very frequent crashes and lots of other major problems.