In this week’s free Deke’s Techniques video, Deke adds some vivid nightclub-esque colors to last week’s homage to the MDNA album cover. With a few hue and saturation adjustments in Camera Raw (applied in Photoshop CC via an editable filter) and a gradient fill, he takes the ribbed glass image we left off with…

...and adds some vibrant Madonna-inspired color.

If you’ve been waiting to use your free 10-day trial (obtainable at to watch some cool exclusive movies, today might be the day to jump in, because Deke’s got two member-exclusive movies to share this week. In the first, he adds the MDNA album cover-inspired bands of color. In the second exclusive movie, he patches some badly displaced edges on his way to this ultimate result:

And to demonstrate the flexibility of this week’s advice, as well as acknowledge that—-here in the US—-St. Patrick’s Day is considered an excuse to turn green in a nightclub, here is my own experiment with today’s techniques. (Love how her lips stay vibrant red here, because I definitely draw the line at green lipstick):

Happy Day, my wily little dekeRechauns.
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