So there I was last night, working on my upcoming book Adobe Illustrator CS5 One-on-One, when I happened to type “CS5” into InDesign CS4. Not surprisingly, this older model version of the software did not recognize “CS5” and tagged the word as misspelled with its Dynamic Spelling feature. After all, such mind-blowing concepts as CS5 could not have been imagined back in the olden days when InDesign CS4 first hit the market.
What is surprising is InDesign CS4’s suggested alternatives.

I’m telling you, this is one steamy upgrade.
Really, Deke?
Does this mean I won’t be getting my copy of Illustrator CS4 One-on-One, the one I ordered from Amazon on November 4, 2008? The order that they asked me to update (for the third time) just yesterday?! Really, Deke, really?
Seriously, your books have helped me get past my initial fears of both Photoshop and InDesign, and I hope that you can to the same for Illustrator (although that will prove to be a much more difficult task, think ya can handle it?)
Anxiously Awaiting Illustrator,
following Deke since 2005
Clear alternative
What we always knew has been confirmed!
Great podcast by the way,
Great podcast by the way, Colleen is sooo right, print is on the decline.
(even tho many are still in denial, those same peeps are moaning about the new features) and Indesign is just moving with the times, loving the new features .. keep the Indesign CS5 stuff coming ..great stuff;o)
Great podcast by the way
Also im still trying to get my head round the whole indesign swf and pdf export stuff.. so hopefully il see some tuts later in the year.
Def be on lookout for some advanced indesign tuts
That’s intresting…
I also like the “Pearl Of Wisdom” from your screen capture. Between my wife, kids, grandkids, and pen trolling coworkers, keeping an eye on my pen is really sound advice! :-)
Very sexy indeed!
I’d like to have one in my settings.
Love the cool new feature on the home page
And yes, Evernote was propagating in my toolbar again. Wonder why it does that…
I prefer the Safari version, too
But, alas, we had to remove that feature. Just couldn’t get it to work consistently across the browsers.
Non-members had another cool feature called Access Denied. But in retrospect, it didn’t seem particularly welcoming.
PS CS5 One-on-One Snafu
Sorry if this is considered misusing your commenting system Deke, but you don’t have a web form or other method of contact.
Just wanted to let you know that on your PS CS5 One-on-One series, under chapter 9, the movie: Dodging Midtones and Shadows is the exact some movie that loads up for the next movie in sequence, Setting the source for the History Brush.
Hope this gets to you, just wanted to give you a head’s up. Also, quit making jests at your own expense when you’re doing training on a photo of yourself. You’re a cool cat. :)
let it play
The “opening” seems to be the same… let it play… it does go to the history brush settings.
beliefe this
I can’t think fast about this
Spam man
1. Everyone that frequents this site is already incredibly well endowed.
2. Your time would be better spent educating yourself…start with English 101…beliefe that!
3. Spam is insulting…it would take someone with an amoeba-level brain to follow the links you provide (that is if they could wrangle the motor skills needed to click a mouse).
Be gone foul spammer! ...and take your stupid links with you!
Oh, swell
Bugsy, your comment was so funny that I had to leave the spam up. Though appropriately neutered, of course.