Hail, dekeOmmunity. I’m thrilled to announce that Adobe InDesign CS4 One-on-One, the book, is now in stock. The timely appearance (as well as, literally, the generally awesome appearance) of this book is creditable in large part to the collaboration of our resident Design Mastermind, David Futato. David has been in charge of the final design of the One-on-One books since the beginning, so he’s got cred on the streets of dekeVille (where he’s running for City Council). As soon as we stop keeping him up all night working on books, he’s planning on joining us here as a contributor.
In fact, unbeknownst to him, he already has. I posted an excerpt from the book wherein David explains the new features of the Links palette over in dekeStuff. You can read the excerpt of the excerpt just below, but you need to be a registered member of our community to read the whole thing. (And then you need to get the book to read the whole, whole thing.) Welcome David, and congratulations, and thanks!
Welcome, Mr. Futato!
Thanks, and hello everyone. You should be seeing more of me around here as the Channels and Masks book winds down. (And thanks to you, Colleen, for the mad props with the graphic.)
Oh, dear. What have you done.
I opened the Adobe InDesign one-on-one book, and now I’m downloading trial versions of not just Adobe InDesign, but all the programs in the Design Premium Suite.
I knew I shouldn’t have allowed myself to be distracted. This is serious bid’ness, brought to you by Immortal Technique.
Sea change. Hope it’s a good one.