Yesterday, released the latest update to that pinnacle of Photoshop One-on-One tutelage, the Mastery course for Creative Cloud. In this fourth-and-final offering, Deke covers some of the most complex features in Photoshop with his signature step-by-step tutorials and expert-level insights.

(Need a free week’s trial at to check it out? Go to and it’s all yours.)
One of those sophisticated features covered in this update is Photoshop’s new Shake Reduction filter, which aims to reduce the effects of camera shake (i.e. movement of the camera/photographer during exposure). While the feature lives under the Sharpen sub-menu, and does in fact often render a sharper photo, it doesn’t work to sharpen existing details as, say, Smart Sharpen does. Instead, it “magically” attempts to reconcile the multiple micro-perspectives that a slightly wiggly (i.e. human) hand might introduce.
Just so happens that some of the free sample movies from this new course address this new feature in true dekeStyle. I mean, you can find several examples on the web that demonstrate the official way that Shake Reduction works or should work. But Deke’s take is slightly more interesting, and to my mind, more practical. Although it doesn’t render this GoPro shot of these three amigos (Producer Max PixleySmith, Deke, and James Williamson) tack sharp, it does make for an improved photograph. Here’s the before and after to make my point:

Note that always makes around 1% of any course available to everyone regardless of subscription status. Just look for the blue links in any course table of contents. For instance, if you check out the contents of Deke’s new course, you can see there are also free movies available for features like Lighting Effects, the Filter Gallery, the Wide Angle filter, Puppet Warp, and more. It’s a great way to see if these advanced features, and Deke’s trademark approach to them, might be just what you need to master Photoshop yourself.
Photoshop CC One-on-One: Mastery - Shake Reduction Chapter
I took the Photoshop CS6 One-on-One: Mastery course using Photoshop CC before the new course was available so I’m very pleased to see shake reduction covered in the new course. Thanks.