869 Customizing the Auto Color command from Deke's Techniques by Deke McClelland
Greetings, dekeArcticans. I am coming to you today from the past, because I need to write this post before we head into the Drake Passage tonight, on our way to Antarctica.
It’s very appropriate that this week’s free Deke’s Techniques episode features a photo of me in the coldest water I had (at the time) ever experienced as a diver. (If all is going well as you read this, I am in water that’s 5 degrees colder than the water at Silfra (-2°C/28°F.)
But anyway, getting back to Iceland. In the course of this movie, Deke shows you how to not only apply Auto Color as a non-destructive modification in Photoshop, but he shows you how to get to some customizable settings that allow you to set an “Auto” adjustment that works for your photograph. Here’s what this photo looked like before Deke adjusted it:
And with a few simple clicks and color settings, you get the effect up above.
Deke’s Techniques, spanning the globe to bring you the constant variety of Photoshop (and scuba diving) challenges!