Creating a String of Pearls in Illustrator

In this week’s free Deke’s Techniques video, Deke shows you how to festoon an ordinary path with a fabulous string of pearls made entirely from strokes applied in Illustrator. Thus the plain outlines on the left (below) become the bedazzled pathways on the right.

A path stroked with pearls in Illustrator
A path stroked with pearls in Illustrator

The effect is created by duplicating a “dashed” stroke (in which the dashes are really circles), coloring them in gradual shades of grey, and slightly offsetting on top of each other. Here is a detail, including the Appearance panel that tracks each stroke application, of the built-up beads along their path:

Detail of the built-up paths
Detail of the built-up paths

If you’re a member of, check out this week’s exclusive movie in which Deke shows you how he made that O to match the Zapf Dingbats X inside Illustrator. If you’re not a member, you can get a free 10-day trial at to check it, and the entire treasured collection of Deke’s Techniques, out. Pearls of wisdom, indeed.

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