Introducing…Introducing Illustrator 2020
Deke's newest course, Introducing Illustrator, is designed for those of you who open Illustrator with an eye to making a "simple" graphic, and get horribly lost before the first curve is drawn.
Deke's newest course, Introducing Illustrator, is designed for those of you who open Illustrator with an eye to making a "simple" graphic, and get horribly lost before the first curve is drawn.
Deke releases his custom set of keyboard shortcuts for Photoshop 2020, downloadable at your convenience.
Tomorrow, you can learn about how to recolor a freeform gradient in Adobe Illustrator; today you likely need to watch Deke try to introduce this week's free episode while surrounded by busy Adélie penguins. They're even cuter at the end of the video.
Enjoy some free samples of Deke's latest Illustrator One-on-One: Fundamentals course, and learn about the Blob brush
A few free samples from Deke's newly updated course, Illustrator 2020 One-on-One: Fundamentals while you're stuck inside your own bounding box.
Illustrator CC 2019 One-on-One: Advanced, the second course in Deke's LinkedIn Learning series, has been updated for the latest changes in Adobe Illustrator.
Photoshop One-on-One: Advanced, the second installment in Deke's series has been updated at LinkedIn Learning. Here's what's it covers and what's changed in 2019.
Deke dekeConstructs the Zentangle doodling phenomenon with his own particular take.
Deke (and son of Deke) revive the dekePod YouTube channel with a teaser trailer and ask you to join them.
Shark cages are human zoos for great whites. Colleen and Deke got into one (or four) with cameras at Isla Guadalupe.
It's Never Too Late to Revisit My Photoshop Channels and Masks Course for What Is Now LinkedIn Learning
Coming soon: A Deke's Techniques that explains how the finale of Avengers: Infinity War might have truly played out.