Deke Online


Deke’s Techniques

Your weekly quick-fix of Deke, with ideas you may inspire or inform your own projects.


Scaling and Editing Traced Artwork

In this preview of "Illustrator CS5 One-on-One: Advanced," Deke shows you how to make an authentic pirate flag. In this final installment, Deke scales, recolors, and edits a group of paths to create a finished piece of art.


Expanding and Separating Artwork

In this preview of "Illustrator CS5 One-on-One: Advanced," Deke shows you how to make an authentic pirate flag. Today, Deke uses Illustrator to expand, separate, and prepare a piece of artwork for output to any medium.


Live Trace and Resolution

In this preview of "Illustrator CS5 One-on-One: Advanced," Deke shows you how to make an authentic pirate flag. Today, Deke prepares the base artwork for tracing in Photoshop and auto-traces it in Illustrator.


Adding Contrast and Color

In this preview of "Illustrator CS5 One-on-One: Advanced," Deke shows you how to make an authentic pirate flag. Today, Deke uses Photoshop to distill the base art into three colors: rich black, blood red, and page white.


Editing Scanned Line Art

In this preview of "Illustrator CS5 One-on-One: Advanced," Deke shows you how to make an authentic pirate flag. Today, Deke uses Photoshop to adjust, distort, and otherwise refine an ink drawing into a work of perfection.


Sketching the Pirate Flag

In this exclusive preview of his upcoming Illustrator CS5 One-on-One: Advanced video course, Deke shares six phases in the creation of an authentic five-by-three-foot pirate flag.


Photoshop CS5 Top 5: Puppet Warp

Photoshop is notorious for distorting reality. Which is ironic given its meager collection of distortion tools. Thanks to Puppet Warp, the folks who fret about us "Photoshopping" reality actually have something to fret about.


Photoshop CS5 Top 5: HDR Pro

High dynamic range lets you extract every last luminance variation from your digital photographs. CS5's HDR Pro lets you combine two or more bracketed photos into an image that resonates with detail and depth.


Photoshop Top 40, Feature #1: Open and Save

Virtually every Photoshop project starts with Open (how often do you choose New?) and ends with Save. And unlike other apps, Photoshop treats all image formats as native. Open and Save are the alpha and omega of imaging.