Deke’s Techniques 127: Creating an Upside Down Face Effect
This week, we explore the realm of optical illusion. Specifically, I show you the power and process of placing rightside-up features on an upside-down model.
Your weekly quick-fix of Deke, with ideas you may inspire or inform your own projects.
This week, we explore the realm of optical illusion. Specifically, I show you the power and process of placing rightside-up features on an upside-down model.
Have you ever wanted to take a photograph of a client, friend, or loved one, and make that person appear to emerge from water, in Photoshop? Here's how.
Today marks Deke's first-ever video recorded in Illustrator CS6. And it's all about a topic as old as the hills: how to create type along both the top and bottom of a circle.
In this week's free Deke's Techniques, Deke reflects on how to make it appear as though text is mirrored in rippled water.
Today I show you how to render type in brushed metal using a couple of smart filters and some layer effects.
This week, I show you how to render type in smoke (as featured in my Photoshop CS6 movies). It's easy to do and you can edit your text any time you like.
Today, I offer you another text effect. Specifically, I'll show you how to render text in grass, down to the finest blade, against a dirt background. Complete with a golf ball.
This week, Deke combines a text layer and a leafy photo to create letters that appear to be made from foliage. And it's all a simple function of Refine Mask.
Deke uses a variety of Photoshop effects to turn a couple of unsuspecting rental car agents from this world into rental car agents from a galaxy far, far away.
There are model railroad geeks. And there are vector graphics geeks. In this episode of Deke's Techniques, the two groups of geeks get to meet.
This week, I show you how to create wicked cool tendrils of sizzlingly realistic lightning from whole cloth. Complete with ambient contact lighting.
At first glance, it seems like this week's technique is just about chasing down an Internet meme. But Deke reveals some key concepts that you can use for any digital tattoo.