Deke’s Techniques 152: Drawing a Perfect Linear Spiral in Illustrator
This week, I show you how to draw an Archimedean spiral (which is the kinda of spiral you want to create) using Illustrator's obscure but handy Polar Grid tool.
Your weekly quick-fix of Deke, with ideas you may inspire or inform your own projects.
This week, I show you how to draw an Archimedean spiral (which is the kinda of spiral you want to create) using Illustrator's obscure but handy Polar Grid tool.
Learn how to create a screen printing effect, complete with meticulously misregistered colors. The black lines go one way, the colors go the other, the blue sky stays fast.
In this week's happy, idyllic technique, I show you a range of tips and tricks for coloring a line drawing in Photoshop. Using layers. It's a thing of beauty, it really is..
This week, I dropped everything I was doing and recorded a movie in which I show you how to create the interlocking Olympic rings (in honor of London, 2012!) in Illustrator.
Today I kick off Deke's Techniques: The Challenge with a new technique based on five from the past. Along the way, I'll transform a crap car into an awesome one!
This week, you'll increase your graphic super powers by turning the Illustrator path outlines from last week's project into independent shape layers in Photoshop.
Just in time for the 4th of July, I show you how to create a shiny, reflective superhero shield in Illustrator. It's a long, intense technique, but it's super cool as well.
Today, I pay appropriate 3D homage to my alien overlords by building them a temple out of plain old earthly linear gradients and a little thing called a depth map.
This is the day that Deke's Techniques amps up from casual to serious. Because this very day, I begin in earnest to kick some seriously vector-based ass.
This week, I show you how to take a couple of cloud photographs and cram them into some vector-based text objects, inside Adobe Illustrator.
The title speaks for itself. This week, I give guy a little head, quite literally (pull your mind out of the gutter!), in Photoshop.
Today I offer a classic retouching technique. I take a photograph of a lovely woman and make her skin look wonderfully, reasonably, and altogether realistically smooth.