Deke’s Techniques 304: Create Your Own Chinese Seal (or Chop)
Deke creates a Chinese-style personal seal in Adobe Illustrator
Your weekly quick-fix of Deke, with ideas you may inspire or inform your own projects.
Deke creates a Chinese-style personal seal in Adobe Illustrator
Deke shares a totally serious best practices workflow for Photoshop
Deke shows you how to improve your camera phone photos in Camera Raw.
Deke shows you how to blend the cast shadow of an object into any new background.
Deke uses black and white brushstrokes, opacity settings, and blend modes to create a dramatic but completely editable dodge and burn effect.
Deke shares advice for fixing distortions and cleaning up a stitched panorama in Photoshop.
Deke attempts to remove an inadvertent photobomber from a group shot and discovers that sometimes the best tool for the job has been around since Photoshop 3.0.
Deke explains the inner mysteries of the Exposure setting in Adobe Camera Raw, and shows you how to bring a dark photo into the light.
Deke shows you how to enlarge a low resolution photograph in Photoshop with optimal results.
Deke demonstrates one of the more obscure features in the newest Photoshop CC update: the ability to generate fake trees with the Pattern fill dialog box.
Deke explains the fine art of upsampling a layered composition in Photoshop, taking photos, graphics, text, and patterns into account.
Deke exports an avatar---born in Photoshop, refined in Illustrator---back to Photoshop for export as a .png file.