Deke’s Techniques 328: Draw a Möbius Strip in Adobe Illustrator
Deke twists pixels into a mind-bending double Möbius strip in Adobe Illustrator
Your weekly quick-fix of Deke, with ideas you may inspire or inform your own projects.
Deke twists pixels into a mind-bending double Möbius strip in Adobe Illustrator
Deke shows you how to quickly mask a caricature (or anyone, really) against a new background in Photoshop
Deke takes an unsuspecting portrait and turns it into an exaggerated caricature using the Liquify filter in Photoshop.
Deke shows you how to blend two different exposures of the same scene, processed in Camera Raw and merged in Photoshop.
Deke explores two methods, of increasing difficulty, to reduce glare in a product shot.
Deke fixes both crop and perspective in one fell swoop, using the Perspective Crop tool in Photoshop.
Deke uses the oft-misused Lens Flare filter to create a perfectly reasonable effect on an alien spacecraft.
Deke applies a 3D bump map to add texture to his Photoshop-created rocket ship.
Deke turns a photo of his son into a giant mural on the side of a brick wall using Photoshop filters and effects.
Deke shows you how to create an idea passport photo, using the government-issued template as your guide.
Deke reveals a Photoshop secret handshake that allows you to auto-hide your iconic panels when you're done working with them.
Deke creates a hand lettered effect to his Chinese chop by employing Illustrator art brushes inside Photoshop