Faking a GoPro Over-Under Shot
Deke shows you how to combine a few GoPro frames to make a faux under-over water shot, with sea lions!
Deke shows you how to combine a few GoPro frames to make a faux under-over water shot, with sea lions!
Deke takes a boring scuba photo and turns it into a surreal seascape by converting it to black and white.
Deke uses the Pen tool in Photoshop to create a mask and save an irreplaceable, un-reshootable photo.
Deke takes two photos of an elusive blue-ringed octopus, one with good composition and one with actual blue rings, and merges them into one photo in Photoshop.
Today marks the release of an all-new course at lynda.com: Enhancing Underwater Photos with Photoshop.
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