Creating an MC Escher-esque Shape in Illustrator
Deke creates a hexagonal pattern in Adobe Illustrator with an eye to creating a tessellating, interlocking MC Escher-inspired pattern.
Deke creates a hexagonal pattern in Adobe Illustrator with an eye to creating a tessellating, interlocking MC Escher-inspired pattern.
Deke uses the new Patterns feature in Adobe Capture to put a kaleidoscopic spin on the everyday world.
In this week's free Deke's Techniques we finally complete our journey to recreate this Tunisian stained-glass window, born in Africa, revealed in Amsterdam, glimpsed in London, and finished today in Illustrator (and then Photoshop).
In this week's free Deke's Techniques movie we continue our travels into the mesmerizing Islamic pattern inspired by a lovely Tunisian stained glass window.
Today Deke's Techniques begins a multi-week journey from Tunisia to Amsterdam to London to Colorado to wherever you are, courtesy of Deke's quest to replicate this 19th-century Arabic patterned stained glass window he came across in the Victoria and Albert Museum.
Here's how to make a Spirograph-like pattern that can be made to fit into any design. Without a single clipping mask. And it looks pretty sweet when it's done.
This week, I draw you into a swirling vortex of spirals and show you how to create a couple of good-looking custom curlicues in Adobe Illustrator.