Deke's Techniques 377: Two Ways to Create Center Guides in Photoshop
How to create center guides using the View > New Guide command.
How to create center guides using the View > New Guide command.
This week I show you how to create a one-page, full-year calendar for the year 2013. All inside Adobe Illustrator.
This week, I show you how to take a couple of cloud photographs and cram them into some vector-based text objects, inside Adobe Illustrator.
Have you ever wanted to take a photograph of a client, friend, or loved one, and make that person appear to emerge from water, in Photoshop? Here's how.
Today marks Deke's first-ever video recorded in Illustrator CS6. And it's all about a topic as old as the hills: how to create type along both the top and bottom of a circle.
In this week's free Deke's Techniques, Deke reflects on how to make it appear as though text is mirrored in rippled water.
Today I show you how to render type in brushed metal using a couple of smart filters and some layer effects.
This week, I show you how to render type in smoke (as featured in my Photoshop CS6 movies). It's easy to do and you can edit your text any time you like.
Today, I offer you another text effect. Specifically, I'll show you how to render text in grass, down to the finest blade, against a dirt background. Complete with a golf ball.
This week, Deke combines a text layer and a leafy photo to create letters that appear to be made from foliage. And it's all a simple function of Refine Mask.
Deke uses a variety of Photoshop effects to turn a couple of unsuspecting rental car agents from this world into rental car agents from a galaxy far, far away.