Today I show you how to muscle your way through a mask, and a complex one at that. All it takes is a few blunt tools, lots of brute force, and perseverance.
This week, I build further on my completely fabricated but no less green energy project, adding an unnatural but sustainable starburst glow around a lightbulb.
Forget the Pen tool. Selecting a complex object without relying on the Byzantine manipulation of anchor points and control handles is a handy way to trace stuff in Photoshop.
This week, I show you how to begin turning the near-dead living into the absolute living dead. It starts with a faux-HDR technique that favors Photoshop's Lab Mode.
This week, I show you how to make red pupils black, the right way. To which you might respond, really, red-eye?! But trust me, it's a great technique.
This week's movie says goodbye to text effects and hello to photography techniques. Specifically, I show you a quick method for smoothing over skin details in a portrait shot.
Photoshop CS5
An adjustment layer is an independent layer of color adjustment that you can edit any time you like. Plus it affects all layers below it, consumes very little space in memory, and affords the opportunity for selective edits.
The modest brush tool is one of the deepest, most versatile tools in Photoshop. It's not only a terrific painting tool, but it is also invaluable for masking, as this video demonstrates.