This week, Deke takes a portrait shot and maps two different textures onto the subject to create an exotic effect. No masks were invoked; it's all about advanced blending.
This week's movie says goodbye to text effects and hello to photography techniques. Specifically, I show you a quick method for smoothing over skin details in a portrait shot.
This week, Deke shows you how to employ a combination of layer effects to create incendiary type, and then apply smart filters to create atmospheric ripples of heat.
This week, Deke shows how to make a background that looks like hammered metal using a trio of basic smart filters, all of which you can edit any time you like.
This week, Deke takes a turn at alchemy by turning editable type into smooth, lustrous gold. Happily, it doesn't involve anything fancier than a collection of layer effects.
The second Deke's Techniques is all about branding type onto a textured surface. In the video, Deke brands some type onto a rock wall. But you can do this with any texture. Like leather, parchment, or human flesh.