Deke's Techniques 031: Splitting and Modifying 3D Meshes
This week, I show you how to take a basic 3D pie chart, split its meshes, color its slices, and otherwise make it a tangible slice of business-graphics reality.
This week, I show you how to take a basic 3D pie chart, split its meshes, color its slices, and otherwise make it a tangible slice of business-graphics reality.
This week, I show you how to take some basic spreadsheet data, graph it in Illustrator, and extrude that graph in lustrous 3D detail in Photoshop CS5 Extended.
The Levels command, and its cohort the histogram, let you adjust luminance levels on a channel-by-channel basis. The upshot is that you can increase contrast, correct for color cast, and make a bad image good.
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