Coffer Illusion and the Hidden Circles
Deke hides 16 circles in a way that, once you see it, you'll never unsee.
Deke hides 16 circles in a way that, once you see it, you'll never unsee.
Deke draws a concentric circle logo in Illustrator at the behest of a dekeOpolitan.
Deke recreates the creepy AI computer from 2001: A Space Odyssey in Adobe Illustrator
This week, I show you how to create a free-form pattern of size- and color-changing circles in Illustrator. Which I do by blending between groups and blended groups.
This week, you'll increase your graphic super powers by turning the Illustrator path outlines from last week's project into independent shape layers in Photoshop.
Just in time for the 4th of July, I show you how to create a shiny, reflective superhero shield in Illustrator. It's a long, intense technique, but it's super cool as well.
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