Deke's Techniques 097: Creating Type that Inverts Anything Behind It
Create text, in Photoshop, that provides absolute and unambiguous contrast with everything in the composite image behind it. Automatically.
Create text, in Photoshop, that provides absolute and unambiguous contrast with everything in the composite image behind it. Automatically.
This week, Deke shows how to turn an ordinary portrait into a line drawing. If nature didn't endow you with the ability to draw, Photoshop is the way to go.
It's one thing to impeccably mask an image into a new scene. It's another to get the masked image to interact with its new environment. What it needs is a shadow.
In this first-anniversary episode of Deke's Techniques, I show you how to remove unwanted people from a photo and leave a pristine background in their place.
This week, I yield forth A Special Holiday Gift: specifically, a precious stained-glass ornament. What it lacks in stature in makes up for in pure training mass.
Today I show you how to muscle your way through a mask, and a complex one at that. All it takes is a few blunt tools, lots of brute force, and perseverance.