Deke takes a different approach to RGB to CMYK conversion, using direct correlation for better results.
Deke takes another approach to turning a portrait into a dot drawing in Photoshop. This time with more refined, higher resolution results.
Deke uses nothing but Photoshop (a couple of gradients and its Wave filter) to create a psychedelic fabric effect in Photoshop.
Deke uses a Color Overlay effect (as opposed to an adjustment layer) to colorize a dramatic landscape in Photoshop.
Deke takes a pencil-and-paper monster drawing and brings it to volumetric life with shape layers and layer effects.
Deke turns a regular pair of dark sunglasses and turns them into mirrored reflections of their surrounding scene.
Deke takes a noisy, high-ISO photograph and repairs it to a usable state with Adobe Camera Raw.