Deke's Techniques 360: Turning Yourself into a Dark Elf for Halloween (or Just Because It's Tuesday)
Deke uses the newly flexible features of the Liquify command in Photoshop in order to turn an unsuscpecting teenager into a foreboding dark elf.
Deke uses the newly flexible features of the Liquify command in Photoshop in order to turn an unsuscpecting teenager into a foreboding dark elf.
Deke creates oozing, dripping letters for Halloween in Photoshop with a pinch of Illustrator.
Deke turns two unsuspecting zombie posers into real life zombies using powers available in Photoshop CC.
In this week's movie, Deke shows you two ways to create custom flares, blasts, and explosions using nothing more than a star-shaped path and a few effects.
Photoshop is notorious for distorting reality. Which is ironic given its meager collection of distortion tools. Thanks to Puppet Warp, the folks who fret about us "Photoshopping" reality actually have something to fret about.
The Liquify filter lets you paint in distortions so you can perform digital nips and tucks. You can slim people down, edit their posture, and make them look exactly how they wanted to look in the first place.
There is no objective standard of beauty. In fact, the very definition of beauty shifts from one generation to the next. Want proof? Watch a 16th-century honey turn into a 21st-century hottie in this dekePod.
Imagine looking back on photos of this holiday season and seeing, for the first time ever, a *slimmer* version of yourself. Was this the year you suddenly discovered self-control? Or was it something even yummier?
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