Deke (and his Techniques) Breaks the Internet (Well, Part of It)
Good news: Deke's Techniques is the longest course at LinkedIn Learning. Bad news: It might be a little bit broken for a few days.
Good news: Deke's Techniques is the longest course at LinkedIn Learning. Bad news: It might be a little bit broken for a few days.
Deke shows you how to rid yourself of that annoying Recently Used Fonts list in InDesign.
How to create center guides using the View > New Guide command.
Deke explains the fine art of upsampling a layered composition in Photoshop, taking photos, graphics, text, and patterns into account.
Deke cleans up a low-quality, highly flawed product shot in Photoshop.
In this week's free movie, Deke draws the pen tool icon in Adobe Illustrator without actually using the Pen tool
Deke shows how he drew his mesmerizing 2D game character, the Necrowalrus, in Adobe Illustrator. Walrus lovers and fans of Dan Paladin unite.
Deke takes a graphical danger sign and ups the danger quotient with a shark made from shape layers.
Deke uses Illustrator to create the cartoon body of a video game style grumpy bird character, complete with highlights and shading to sell the effect.
Deke continues his quest to create the best digital Op Art possible. This week, he creates an undulating pattern that will make your eyes hurt and your Illustrator skills soar.
This week, I show you how to create a free-form pattern of size- and color-changing circles in Illustrator. Which I do by blending between groups and blended groups.