Spring Creations: Illustrator, Photoshop, Max
Sprouting new skills, creating new projects from pure pixels, and little boys growing into young dashing gentlemen.
Our relatively infrequent but immensely informative newsletters are full of useful tips, new course announcements, general gossip, and heaps of Deke’s virtual love. If you'd like them delivered straight to your inbox, become a member of deke.com.
Sprouting new skills, creating new projects from pure pixels, and little boys growing into young dashing gentlemen.
Although we're not into the hearts and flowers bit, this Valentine version of dekeSpeak includes links to the updated Photoshop One-on-One: Fundamentals course, a new Deke's Techniques that will stretch your brain and your eyeballs, and a "Dear Deke" story about a bunch of seasoned Photoshop users finding out about a feature/hurdle that had gone unnoticed since 2015.
Fresh, crisp Winter weather inspires me to share some new content and features of the recently released nearly new deke.com.
After more than a year of impassioned brainstorming, spirited discussion, boisterous conference calls, avalanching emails, vigorous testing, and then several rounds of the same, we have at last launched a redesigned deke.com that we’re very proud of and can’t wait for you to see.
With the release of his newest course, Photoshop CC One-on-One: Mastery for Photoshop CC 2107, Deke has completed his three-step series to Photoshop domination. This edition features links to free sample movies from all three courses: Mastery, Advanced, and Fundamentals. Read on for details.
Greetings dekeDivers. We come to you from under the sea this week. Well, not really, because we don't yet have housings for our laptops and, frankly, the wifi at the bottom of the ocean is problematic. But, we're celebrating the release of Deke's latest course—a collaboration with our friend and underwater photo mentor Hergen Spalink—called Learning Underwater Photography, just released at Lynda.com this week.
Read about Deke's Summer 2016 live appearances, preview a chapter of Deke's Channels and Masks workbook, and learn about updates to Deke's One on One series.
Photoshop CC 2015 One-on-One: Advanced, Flashback to Fixing a Foot in Photoshop, and The Creative Pro Conference to Feature Deke and Some Very Venerable Friends
It's 2017, at last, my DekeTopians. And we're moving forward with a new course on a new skill, namely Adobe Pen Tool: Mastery. We've also got a new partner, stock images purveyor extraordinaire, Dreamstime (with a special deal for dekeOphiles). And of course, we've got the same old Deke, making sure you're up-to-date on the latest advances (we hope) in digital graphics technology. Read on for deals and details.
Photoshop: 2015 Creative Cloud Updates... Update for November Updates, Removing Power Lines with Photoshop, and Photoshop One-on-One on the Way.
A selection of tips and techniques around Deke's favorite holiday.
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